I’m Back! So much time has gone by! My last post was in 2020 during the peak of the pandemic. A lot has changed since then. Tania and...
I went to the museum of modern art with Felix. A lot of interesting art and a lot of things I had no feelings about … just bleh. I...
This will be the home for my white/titanium-university blue Air Jordan 23’s. I purchased these back in January of 2008 (roughly 10...
It’s been a while since I’ve done a restaurant review, however this spot was very appealing to me and I though I should mention...
I’ve had my eye on this keyboard for quite some time. Just as every other purchase I have made, I usually take days, if not weeks to...
Felix and I took out another multi-hour motorcycle trip up west (north-west really) towards Hawks Nest. I stumbled upon this location while...
As I was walking home I came across some activists marching to express their feelings towards President Trump’s decision to overturn...
I had an awesome track day at NJ Motorsports Park (Lighting Track) in Millville NJ. Voytek suggested earlier in the week to visit the...
The time has come. I have had some of these kicks up in my closet for 10+ years. It’s time I let them go. My entire collection was...
Tania and I headed up north to Peekskill (one of Tania’s favorite places to be) to get away from the city for a bit. I decided to...
I rented a Ducati Scambler Icon from EagleRider in Belleville NJ. Since I just passed the MSF course about a few days ago I currently...
I passed! With a score of 4/15 (the lower the better) I have successfully completed the motorcycle part of the MSF. Earlier in the day I...
After receiving my motorcycle license, I would say this is the next step to motorcycle ownership. I browsed quite heavily online to sort...
I was sitting outside my apartment today when this happened. I was recording the intersection of 82nd Street and 35th avenue and suddenly a...
Since some of my friends gave really good feedback on my recent MTA Subway GIF, I thought I should make some more. Both of these were taken...
I decided to partake in my first tech meetup. I found out about NY Tech Meetup through an application called Meetup. NY Tech Meetup is a...
Today was quite the productive day. For starters I took this shot on my way to work. This means I am keeping my word from yesterday’s...
So I ran into this guy one day on my way home. He goes by the name of Twenty-four Seven (24/7). He is the one and only drunken master. I...
Sometimes WordPress works the way you plan and other times it throws some curveballs. With all the black Friday deals going around, I...
Last year I noticed that FIT students were drawing on the walls of their university. Seems like the trend is continuing into this year as...