I’m Back!
So much time has gone by! My last post was in 2020 during the peak of the pandemic. A lot has changed since then. Tania and I now have a dog, we both started playing tennis, and much more!
Campoukid has gone through some changes in the recent years:
- Campoutkid V1
- Launched on January 11, 2011
- Went public July 15, 2011
- Campoutkid V2
- Allowed ordering of prints + launched my own shirt
- Campoutkd v3
- Faster speeds
- Store launched
And now Campoutkid 4.0! Here are a few of the updates:
- Images are the focus of the site
- The old theme was more focused around posts. Hence the featured image was a bit small. I updated to a new theme in hopes of keeping pictures the focus of the site. I will of course still write with each post.
- The mobile theme is a lot more image centric.
- More interesting posts
- In the past I just made post simply for making posts. I didn’t put much effort into the writing. I would say the first post where I did was My First Keyboard Build. There were even posts where I wouldn’t write anything. I think thats okay, but the old theme made pages feel empty.
- The site loads much, much faster.
- I’m using a cloud provider to serve and cache some of the content. This means as I get uploads closer to 1000Mbps. This is a HUGE improvement over the prior 11Mbps. Using a VPS also means I get to hide my home IP address. I plan to write a post about this in the near future.
- No more Ads / Useless pages
- I had advertisements served through Google on this site for most of its past. I didn’t put much effort into the placement of the ads. I’m removing them for now.
- I had a non functioning Store along with contact form. I’ve deleted the Store and need to work on fixing the contact form. Thank you to everyone who purchased a Campoutkid shirt!
The site is still a work in progress with many things to work on in the near future:
- Personalize the theme
- Update the sidebars
- Update the default colors
- Re-add the ability to search through all images
- Fix the contact form (currently emails cannot be sent)
- Update the look and contents of the menu.