It has been almost a year since I first began working out. Time sure has flown by. I remember when I couldn’t do much in the gym and I wasn’t capable of running very far.
I tried to recreate this image I took a little more than a year ago. This time I also added a couple more shots into the mix.
Well, to compare the two I would say my abs got better. I’ve been treating them similarly to how Mike Rashid does (don’t directly work them out and allow compound exercises to strengthen them). I would have to add that all the cardio I have been doing lately has also helped to define them a lot.
Now the plan is to gain some weight back and bulk up a bit for the winter.
Holy shit just noticed that last picture that looks SICK. Great pose on that one (the one where you’re looking at the camera with the bicep flex)
OH and I emailed you respond already!! lol I emailed your gmail..