My new job does come with some benefits. First of all, I do get to learn a lot of new stuff, and secondly I am spending time outside of my house as I had hoped to. Something happened today which I especially liked. I was working at a wedding, and the photographer allowed me to use his 24-70 2.8 (on a 5D Mark II). Along with the Speedlite 580ex II, I managed to snap some good shots of the brides mother dancing with family. I also played around with the 70-200mm 2.8 as well.
What was so special about these lenses? For starters the USM allows for ultra fast focusing. I was not expecting to get such fast focusing indoors with low light. The build quality of both lenses was phenomenal. The zoom and focus rings were very well put together, and the lenses feel good in the hand as they are being used. The photographer also hinted to me that he is planning to get rid of his 50mm 1.4. Hopefully I can purchase it from him before the summer is over. Furthermore, he informed me that we will be shooting on the beach on Monday. I am very excited to see a photo shoot and learn something new (probably with lighting).