Mystery buyer

Written by Leisure / General

I came home a couple of days ago to find that someone has ordered a shirt from my store. It was a bit unusual since I was unaware of who exactly purchased the shirt. Normally, I get a thumbs up from a friend before they buy a shirt.

To help me with the curiosity I did some research on who it might be. The shirt was ordered on August 8th at 08:40pm from an Iphone. The user went to, then pressed the store link, and was then redirected to my store’s website. The product was a women’s standard t-shirt. The biggest hint of them all was that the buyer was from 11103 (Astoria’s Zip Code).

Unless I either see who purchased the shirt or get told, I will most likely never find out who it was. So, whoever you are, just wanted to let you know your order was shipped. Thank you!