Baruch College is now in the quarterfinal round of the NCAA Men’s Volleyball tournament. While sipping on Jamba Juice we watched them put up a good effort in beating Elms at the NCAA play in game. They are now scheduled to play Springfield at 12:30 on Friday April 27th. Their game is followed by our match at 2:30pm against Kean. Before all that happens, we will be meeting them at the NCAA Volleyball Banquet and maybe at community service. I hope their presence not only doesn’t cause tension, but also doesn’t keep us distracted from our goal.
I can think of a better title for this post 😉
Lol. How does “A waste of $4” sound?
Yes, very accurate if you ask me lol.
You caught Braien and I at the perfect time haha
Yeah, I noticed it after. Sipping on that Jamba.