I somehow managed to drag myself into work today knowing my boss would not be in. I couldn’t think of a reasonable excuse to get me out of work, therefore i went in an hour late. As I was walking towards the studio I remembered that the entrance door is usually closed on Sundays. Luckily it was. I waited downstairs for 30 minutes while chatting on the phone with Tania. I then decided to call Jay to let him know that I was not able to go upstairs. He told me to wait 10 more minutes to see if an opportunity arrives.
I saw an old woman walking out of the building. It seemed to me that her god given task for the day was to ensure i made it to work. Being a good Samaritan I took the opportunity and went upstairs. I decided to get the work done and go home quickly.
My first task was to place some printed album spreads in page order for them to be shipped to the binder. I got through 3 albums and approached my last. As I looked at the layout of the fourth album, I realized that I had designed the layout last week. This was my first printed album layout which was approved by a customer. To my surprise, it turned out looking better than I designed on the computer.
I then pulled out some images from another job, and began designing another album. I quickly lost interest in the tedious process and decided to go home. I then met with Tania to have dinner and receive a gift.