I’ve been watching the Biggest Loser quite religiously now, and I’m very happy the way the season ended. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve watched the best of the competitors fight their way to the top and it’s not a surprise the way the finale ended. Congratulations to Danni for securing $250,000 by just a 1 pound. One little pound.
Something inside told me she would win. After Danni asks for a hug from Gillian, Gill replied, “I’ve been picturing this moment for months now and I am not ready yet. […] It’s gotta be when the confetti comes down and you gotta promise I will be the first one.” Oh Gillian, you make it seem as though we were all clueless about her upcoming victory (Not to say Jeff and Jackson didn’t put in their fare share).
Her hard work definitely has been ever so present on the last couple of episodes. Not only was she pulling big numbers during the last couple of weigh-ins, but she also managed to pull an 11 pound loss prior to the finale. Wow!
This season’s theme was challenge America, and the show decided to not only challenge the states, but also to bring the topic of childhood obesity into perspective. They did so by helping to transform the lives of three teens. It’s good to see that they’ve lost a lot of weight as well. Way to go.
A little sad to see that Lisa (Eliminated week 5) did not win the “at home” challenge. Mrs. Rambo lost the challenge to Gina McDonald, but was still very well optimistic. She quotes, “[L]ife is NOT to be anything like half a glass of water! we were created to live a life full of rich experiences & rewarding relationships! My cup overflows!”