Halal Guys

Written by Recipes / Food

After the shoot, I went with Eric, Stanley, Colin and Brendan to eat some Halal Guys. This was the next stop for me and Stanley after having cookies from Levain Bakery.

In all honesty, Halal Guys is nothing worth leaving your house for. It’s flavorful compared to other halal trucks in the city, and their rice and chicken does not seem as greasy. But overall I would not say it was severely out of the norm.

The vendors were friendly, and the service was quick. There was even a cart dedicated to drinks. From what I hear, they receive a lot of customers throughout the day and earn a large revenue throughout the year. Nevertheless, unless one is craving halal really badly it is not worth the trip (if another halal vendor is available nearby).

53st and 6th avenue in Manhattan

  • Food Rating: 7/10
  • Service: 8/10
  • Atmosphere: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 7/10