Tania gave me this card as a token of apology after a little upset we had. It reads, “Happiness is found not in the things we collect, but in the connections we keep”. I’m sure that was not the exact message she was trying to portray, but it got me thinking.
Happiness is truly found in the connections we keep. Whether it be a friend from junior high schoolfriend, a loved one, or something sacred to you. Happiness is a journey represented by memories along the way. It is the outcome one usually strives for
The card made me realize that I should live every moment as if it were my last. Just recently, Ming had to drop out of the team, Carl later followed by having a neurological problem which needed a doctor’s attention. I am already beginning to think about how close I am to the end. One more year and my athletic/college friends will all go their separate paths. Of course, I will make new ones, but it is the memories with my current friends which I will cherish the most.